Ram Dass shout-out! New Patches! New Week! Who dis?!

Ram Dass shout-out! New Patches! New Week! Who dis?!

Last weekends the actual Ram Dass reposted one of my patches! Over 12,000 likes! WOW! Nothing like some external validation, amirite?! His caption with the patch was very long (you can read it by clicking the link) and honestly the sentiment is one that I get, but that doesn't resonate with me. And it's not what I think of when I hear the original quote: "Treat everyone you meet like God in drag." Personally, this quote reminds me of Hebrews 13:2 -- Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. 

I've had numerous encounters with angels in people suits. Maybe you have too?

If you read my newsletter, you know that I'm working hard to raise funds for my mom's teeth. This repost was an amazing boost in sales and brought a bunch of new folks to the Larkin and Larkin internet shop/experience. 

I'm going to try to convince my mom she should name one of her new front teeth Baba Ram. LOL. 

Have a strong week!*

xo Larkin

*(this was a sign-off a few weeks ago on a Monday, from a Haight Street regular named Kenny after we had a very pleasant exchange. It's my new favorite way to say goodbye on a Monday.) 

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